(03) 9894 4622

After Hours:
Noel 0409 884 469 
Ross 0400 448 268
Carl 0425 725 396


13 11 76

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Charlie Battisti & Company is ensuring the safety and well-being of our valued Customers as well as our own staff.

Charlie Battisti & Company remains open for business. As we continue to operate, we have implemented an extensive list of measures to make hygiene and safety our absolute priority and ensure we minimise risk for all concerned.

Please be assured that Your Health and Safety is Paramount to us.

I draw your attention to:

Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic), Section 20, Clause 6 (a) (Viii) “Leaving the Premises to obtain necessary goods and services’ where it states that a person can leave a premises to obtain goods and services provided by:

(viii) a retail facility that is not prohibited from operating by the Restricted Activity Directions

You can dowload a Bulletin from the VACC that was issued during the first lockdown. You may feel more secure printing the Bulletin while you travel to and from our Repair Facility. Download the bulletin here

Please continue to contact us via the normal methods. We will ensure your enquiry is handled in the usual timely and professional manner.

In these fast-changing times, we are monitoring developments daily and enhancing our processes as required. If there are changes to our usual rhythm of business, we will communicate these as soon as possible.

As we face these unique circumstances, we ask that everyone continues to follow the advice of health authorities in relation to hygiene and well-being, including self-isolation if applicable.

We have implemented a ‘non-contact policy’ in all areas of the Charlie Battisti & Co. This means avoiding shaking hands or close contact including hugging. We are also keeping a safe distance between all people as much as possible.

We have worked with our cleaning provider to significantly increase the level of sanitisation right across the business, especially in customer waiting areas. Contactless hand sanitiser is located in the foyer and additional hand sanitiser is available for staff and customers on the premises.

Vehicles arriving for repair will have all interior surfaces cleaned with Isopropyl Alcohol and have steering wheels and gear sticks wrapped and seat and floors covered as soon as they are dropped off, once work is completed the same process will apply again. This includes exterior and interior door handles, steering wheels, arm rests, screens and switches, gear levers and paddles and also keys.

All staff have been given strict and detailed instructions on additional measures they should adhere to at this time. This includes guidance on washing hands, personal hygiene and instructions for immediate reporting and self-isolation if they begin to show any symptoms.

Our Staff is available to help if you have any further enquires.

Charlie Battisti & Company Pty Ltd have implemented the following procedures in line with the advice provided by Victorian State Government, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC)

  • Every person to enter the premises is required to wear a face covering.
  • Every person to enter the premises is required to have their temperature taken at reception.
  • Every person to enter the premises is required to use the Hand Sanitiser provided.


  • Must not enter if they have a temperature, cold or flu symptoms
  • Must adhere to social distancing rules and use floor markings as guides


  • Must not attend work if they are feeling unwell
  • Must use Face Coverings, gloves and safety goggles (if applicable)
  • Where practicable will not share workspace and practice social distancing
  • Change Gloves, Masks and use sanitiser frequently.
  • Sub-Contractors that are on the premises for more than 15 minutes will sign in and out at reception.
  • Surfaces and chairs, including door handles, pens and eftpos machine, will be cleaned once each customer has left.


  • All vehicles will be checked in by Management. All vehicles and keys will be sanitised upon arrival with Isopropyl Alcohol Spray and at vehicle hand over.
  • Reception staff will ask customers to place key on the desk. The estimator will sanitise the key before check in of vehicle.
  • Reception staff will sanitise key prior to handing vehicle back to customer.
  • No touch sanitiser station is available for Customers.
  • Clear floor markings and signs have been placed in Reception for Customers to adhere.